Sunday, 10 December 2017

Classful Internet address

Classful Internet address

IP address is 32 bit( dotted decimal notation for IP address)
IP address is a hierarchical address IP address is location based .
The designers are free to choose packet format and sizes addresses delivery techniques and so on..
Nothing is dictated by the hardware.

For  addresses the designers  of TCP IP chose scheme analogous to Physical network addressing in which each Host on the internet is assigned 32 bit integer address called  its internet address or IP address
Integer are chosed carefully to make routing efficient.
IP address encodes the identification of the network to which a host attaches as well as identification of a unique host. EA is a pair ,net IDand  host ID .net ID identifies  the network and host ID identifies a host on that network each address is a pair (net ID ,host ID)
Net ID identifies a network
host ID identifies a host on that network
The partition into prefix and suffix is not uniform throughout the entire internet because the designer  did not specify a single boundary

In the original addressing scheme which is known as class full each  IP address had  one of the first three form.

In the classful addressing scheme each address is said to be self identify because the boundary between prefix and suffix can be computed from the address alone without reference to external information
Subnet and supernet (classless addresses )extensions
A unique prefix for each physical network would exhaust the address space quickly consequently an Addressing  extension was developed to conserve network prefix known as subnet addressing scheme allows multiple physical networks to share a prefix.

A second extension was devised that ignored the classful heirarchy and allowed the division b/w perfix and suffix to occur at arbitary point called classles addressing or supernetting .
The scheme allows more complete utilization of the address space

Q.I.a.What is meant by subnet addressing?(5 mark)[B. Tech Degree VII Semester Special Supplementary Examination June 2012 CS/IT 703 ADVANCED COMPUTER NETWORKS (2006 Scheme)]
Q.I.b.With the help of a neat diagram show the original classful IP addressing scheme.(5 mark)[B. Tech. Degree VII Semester Examination November 2012 CS/IT 703 ADVANCED COMPUTER NETWORKS (2006 Scheme)]

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