Saturday 2 December 2017

Properties of Ethernet

Properties of Ethernet
Shared bus technology
Ethernet was designed to be shared bus technology that support braodcast
Shared bus
The topology is called a shared bus becuase all station to be a single shared communication channel
broadcast technology
It is called broadcast technology because all station receive energy transmission making it possible to transmit a packet to all station at same time
Best effort delivery
Ethernet is called a best effort delivery mechanism because the hardware provides no information to sender about whether the packet was delivered if destination station happen to be power down packet to it will be most
Acces control is distributed
Ethernet access control is distributed because unlike some network technologies Ethernet has no central authority to grant access

The Ethernet access control is called carrier sense multiple access with collision detection
It is CSMA because multiple machine can access an Ethernet simultaneously and each machine determine whether the network is idle by sending whether a carrier wave is present

Exponential backoff
Waiting timing doubles if it is found the busy channel when try to resend .It works on data links layer data is transmitted as frame

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